What we offer
Topps Tiles really look at how they can develop their people!
James, Area Sales Manager

What do we offer?
In a word- lots. More than you might think. The training you need to go from a tile novice to a confident, knowledgeable, inspirational specialist. No evening work to worry about, early finishes at the weekend – and no working on Christmas Eve or Boxing Day either. Plus a competitive rewards package including bonus, commission schemes and benefits so that you can top up your basic salary.
But it's more than training, support and salary. Take a look at our behind the scenes video and you'll see that, more than anything else, it's the people that make Topps Tiles such a great place to work.
You take pride in what you do and you do it well. Really well. In a culture where hard work is recognised and great results are rewarded. But that means more than just a good salary. It means recognising your individual contribution and benefiting from the company's success, as well as having the opportunity to earn great bonuses.
Learning and Development

It's important that we help you to get off to the best possible start. So that's what we'll do. Whether you join us in store, at our head office or in one of our distribution centres your introduction to Topps Tiles starts with a role-specific, 13-week induction programme, which includes online training.
Of course, there's on-the-job training too. And all the time. You'll also have a mentor to call on and you'll have regular catch-ups with your manager, not to mention an induction champion, to see how you're getting on.
Continuous Support
We've said it before but it's worth repeating: you don't need to know about tiles or DIY to join us in store. We'll give you all the specific training you need to become a knowledgeable Topps Tiles specialist.
We pride ourselves on being specialists and developing specialists. Our learning experience platform will equip you with the know-how you need and keep you up-to-date with new product developments and processes. And once you've completed your Induction Course, you can start to earn extra money through our bonus scheme.
But it doesn't stop with induction, we're investing heavily in learning and development too. Whatever job you're doing, in a store or in our Head Office, you can make full use of all learning resources, including in-house training courses, our development library and e-learning platform (which enables you to learn via your mobile phone, tablet or desktop). But it's up to you to grab the learning opportunities – and learn where, when and how it suits you.
But learning doesn't just mean formal training: coaching's important too. Little tips and hints passed on by managers and colleagues that can help you to do what you do even better.
Career Development
We don't just offer rewarding jobs. We're not just big on family feel and doing the right thing. And we won't just give you comprehensive training and ongoing support. There's more. When it comes to career development, as much as you want.
We're big on building careers – if that's something you're keen to do. Our first instinct is to promote from within. Want to progress through store roles into a field or support office role? Lots of our people have done just that.
James Cameron started off working part-time in a store. He's now one of our Area Saless Managers.
We'll give you all the opportunities for progression that you want and, naturally, all the support you need to make them happen. Maybe you'd like to know what you need to do to move up the career ladder – whether you're in a store or in Head Office. We'll help you take your career in the direction that you – yes, you – want it to go by putting together an individual career plan to help you to achieve your goals.
Luke Livermore started his Topps Tiles career as a Customer Service Assistant. He's since worked his way up to Store Manager.